Glenn Beck Unhinged is brought to you by News Corpse, the Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay.
Unhinged is a compendium of crazy/hate speech from America's #1 fear mongering tele-pundit/pastor.
This growing Bottom Feeder's Digest of dyspathetic dimwittery begs the question: What the F**K does this jerkwad have to say to get fired?
Glenn Beck has proven himself to be a wildly dishonest purveyor of doomsday scenarios and an
inspiration to violent nut cases everywhere. His repeated abuses of civility and thinly disguised
advocacy of violence would have resulted in his cancellation from any reputable television network.
Lucky for him he works worked at Fox.
Nevertheless, it is important to take action in the face of such irresponsible behavior. At
Glenn Beck Unhinged you can join the growing chorus of Americans calling for Fox to fire Beck
and for advertisers to refuse to sponsor the network Beck on TV, radio, or wherever he
appears until he is gone. And the campaign to persuade advertisers from sponsoring Fox News is
still relevant. Even without Beck they promote the same lies, hostility, and glassy-eyed dementia.
Here is a list of Beck's radio affiliates. Find the one nearest you and feel free to call them and let them know that you will not listen to their station or patronize their sponsers until Beck is off the air.
Tell advertisers that sponsoring Fox News is enabling the dangerous and divisive
rhetoric of Glenn Beck. Click here to tell them to Drop Fox NOW!
After Beck attacked Credo and the groups they support, Credo started a petition declaring that they
are Proud To Be On Beck's Blackboard.
And they're donating $0.25 to the groups Beck hates for every signature.
News Corp has broadcast claims that there is no such thing as global warming.
Please join the Union of Concerned Scientists in urging News Corp CEO
Rupert Murdoch to match his corporation's green pledges with real action.
Know businesses or other public places that play Fox News on their TVs? Help Turn Off Fox to identify places that play Fox,
or work with others in your area to explain to those businesses why they should change the channel.
You can help support Glenn Beck Unhinged by making a donation. Every donor will receive a free gift as appreciation for your generosity and your commitment to sweeping hateful filth off the airwaves. Our current gift is this charming and colorful sticker that will liven up any space upon which you stick it. Get extras for friends and help spread the word.
Click here: The Glenn Beck Unhinged Sticker